Doing the Baywatch thing? This is the ultimate source for Lifeguards. No Guard on duty.

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Portrait of the Lifeguard Life

I've worked as a guard at the Bowling Green State University Recreation
andWellness Center for over a year. As this is my seventh year of guarding,
here's a video I produced on exactly why lifeguarding is more than a job.


Kaylin said...

I want to be a Recccieee!!

Anonymous said...

how old is this vid? Is kevin really still their?

Leif Grant said...

Hey Kelsey,

Thanks so much for your blog. I've been doing lots of research on lifeguard training and the challenges of real lifeguards. You're down to earth, real voice is a great breath of fresh air.

Thanks heaps,
Leif Grant