Thanks so much for your blog. I've been doing lots of research on lifeguard training and the challenges of real lifeguards. You're down to earth, real voice is a great breath of fresh air.
I've been a Red Cross certified lifeguard for six years. I’ve worked at many different pools (both indoor and outdoor, from hotel pools to recreation centers) with dozens of fellow guards where we’ve shared countless conversations on aspects of lifeguarding which are unique to this job.
From different saving techniques to tips for maintaining water safety to even uniform styles, I truly believe many lifeguards will be able to share their ideas and learn from this content.
I want to be a Recccieee!!
how old is this vid? Is kevin really still their?
Hey Kelsey,
Thanks so much for your blog. I've been doing lots of research on lifeguard training and the challenges of real lifeguards. You're down to earth, real voice is a great breath of fresh air.
Thanks heaps,
Leif Grant
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